one year on :(

2012 October 22

Created by Andrea 11 years ago
1 year ago today, I lost you forever never being able to say goodbye to you :( I cant believe I will never see you again or hear you chatter on down the phone cutting out in between because you used to never used to stay still in one place so only ever caught half the conversation , oh how i wish I could get those times back!! Everything is still going on as normal here but I cant do normal anymore as my heart aches every time i hear or see something that reminds me of you heart aches :( I was so proud of you Craig and missed you so much when you moved away,even though I was so jealous when i saw photos of you cuddling her mum and wanted it to be me and that always came between us sadly...Today is the last first of everything you have missed ...halloween , christmas,Easter,your birthday and now today the worst of all! I am setting off a lantern tonight with my message on to you will never be forgotten and always loved and missed ..........Mum xxxxxxxxxxxx